
RussiaXInjured!Reader - Serdce ne spit

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viscardiac's avatar

Literature Text

А сердце не спит, сердце поет
Сердце тебя ждет ждет ждет!
But my heart does not sleep, my heart sings
My heart's waiting waiting waiting!

The sound of the machines of the hospital made you open your eyes softly. You souldn't be there, there was so much to be done, and the war was going on and...

-____________, please, calm yourself, da? - your shoulder was weakly grabbed by a concerned russian man.

-Where is everyone? - you stopped to think for a moment.

-They've gone to sleep... - he rubbed his eyes a little. - You have been asleep for two days, sunflower...

-And why don't you go to sleep too? - you couldn't help but yawn a little. It felt tiring to even look at him. - You must be tired, Russia...

-I wanted to be sure the little sunflower was okay. - he petted your head a little and left the room, leaving you to wonder why did he care.

Одинокой птицей Можно возвратиться Лучше в клетке,чем в чужих руках
Далеко-Далёко Долго будет сниться Где мы вместе в облаках..
Lonely bird can return better in the cell than in the hands of others
Far, far away for a long time where we will dream together in the clouds


Your (e/c) eyes wondered around the room. What a strange scene you faced. But it was a normal one to you: France, England and America arguing about random, little and stupid things, as both Russia and China shook their heads, almost like if it was saying 'immature'.

-Stop. - you shook yours as well. - You're giving me a headache.

-Sorry... - they muttered, a little embarassed.

-Now, could you tell me what has happened the two days I was off? - You crossed your arms at them.

-Well... Basically, -aru, after they hurt you, Russia got mad and killed them, -aru. - China stated.

Опустились веки Не поверить в прошлое нельзя
Кто-то вдруг заметит Две луны на небе Это будем ты и я!!
Emptied river, closed his eyes not to believe in the past
Someone suddenly noticed two moons in the sky It's you and I!

-What?! - You felt your face hot.

All the others looked at each other, like if they were saying 'she didn't know?!'. You raised an eyebrow at them and looked back at him, waiting for an explanation.

-Oh, I couldn't just let them get away with hurting my sunflower, da? - he smiled at you.

-I... I guess not... - you stare at him. Why did he care?

The others shrugged it off.


The morning light hit your eyes, orange blinding them. A little relieved it was not the battle field, you looked to the side.

A vase of sunflowers laid on the bedside table.

А сердце не спит, сердце поет
Сердце тебя ждет ждет ждет!
But my heart does not sleep, my heart sings
My heart's waiting waiting waiting!

"Я люблю тебя" said the card.

I been wanting to write that for quite a while...

Serdce ne Spit - Ranetki

(you can also search it as 'my heart isn't asleep')
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LotusDragonof5000's avatar
One question? Who were the people Russia killed?
( Inner Grammar Nazi: I think it should be SHOULDN'T not SOULDN'T. Just...pointing out something....*scoots away as fast as humanly possible. )